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ONE ANSWER TO CANCER is about two cancer salves.

One, known as Aldaradoesn't cure, and has even killed. Yet, it is still legally and enthusiastically prescribed by doctors, and even subsidised by our tax dollars. Aldara nearly killed Elaine Hollingsworth, after she put a small amount on a tiny skin cancer. She has never recovered, nor have thousands of other victims. This is an unspeakable crime.

The other cancer salve is safe and effective, and has never harmed anyone, in thousands of years of use. Yet it is illegal, and is suppressed by governments. Why? You know the reason: Big Pharma will lose billions in revenue when the power and safety of the salve becomes widely known.

ONE ANSWER TO CANCER is packed full of amazing testimonials by people who have reclaimed their health.  They have eliminated invasive breast cancers, deadly Ewing's Sarcoma, terminal thyroid cancer, bowel cancer and an array of skin cancers, even large melanomas. In their interviews men and woman describe exactly how they used this natural salve, and have even generously included startling before and after photos.

The best news of all: ONE ANSWER TO CANCER will show you precisely how to make this life-saving natural salve for yourself and your loved ones, so you can escape the sickness industry.

Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will hate ONE ANSWER TO CANCER, but the story has now been told anyway. 

If you have had skin or any other cancers, or know someone who has, you owe it to yourself and them to hear what Elaine has to say.

Is this hype?

We are not medical practioners so we cannot promise that any particular treatment will work for you. However, neither can the medical profession! However, I will make this guarantee.


Buy the DVD and watch it. If you are not convinced by what you learn on the DVD, return it together with your Order number (which you get when you place the order). Once I receive the DVD I will promptly refund your money - No Questions Asked!

Order Your Copy Now.


One Answer to Cancer DVD - Elaine Hollingsworth


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